Hello World

This is my first blog post

Hello World


Welcome to my blog—or should I say, my digital garden with doors wide open! Crafted from scratch, this space thrives on Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Velite, Shadcn UI, and is hosted on Vercel. Fascinatingly, this is my third venture into cultivating a blog-like realm. My previous endeavors with Typecho and Hexo were left behind due to their rigid templates which stifled my creativity. Here, however, I wield the freedom to mold everything exactly how I envision it.

This little corner of the internet is where I sow seeds of thoughts and ideas. While I'm unsure how long this garden will flourish(That's not the point right?), I'm dedicated to making it as vibrant as possible. I often browse others' websites, quietly admiring the uniqueness of their thoughts. They would never know there's someone stalking them. If you find yourself wandering through my garden, feel free to leave a note or let me know. I'd like to connect with a fellow digital explorer.